The Recognition Machine was selected in the Dakar Biƫnnal I'Ndaffa, forged out of the fire, 2022, in the IN (International competition) at the Ancien Palais de Justice, by curator El Hadj Malick Ndiaye and assistant curators Delphine Buysse and Anna Karima Wane. It was selected together with Troubled Archives' NOISY IMAGES.
More than 2000 visitors participated. The TRM version was the 'slim', internet version: the visitor would go on the website, take a selfie with their smartphone and the ticket would print out; one to hang on the wall, one to take home. The installation consisted visibly of a ticket printer, wall panels and little magnets. Behind the scene (literally behind the piedestal the ticket printer sits on) we find the Raspberry Pi with Michael Murtaughs programming, and an internet router.